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    Winterize Your Lawn Before Jack Frost Knocks On Your Door!

    Winter is here, but that doesn't mean your lawn has to suffer too. With a few simple steps, you can help protect your lawn from the cold weather and keep it looking healthy all winter long. Let's take a look at some of the best tips and tricks for keeping your Pittsburgh Area lawn in great shape during the winter. 

    Mow One Last Time 

    Before the weather gets too cold and wet, give your lawn one last mowing so that it’s shorter than usual. This will help provide better insulation and prevent damage from frost or snow mold. Plus, having shorter grass means less area for pests to hide in, so you can avoid any unwanted guests! 

    Clean Up Debris 

    Take some time to clean up any debris that may have fallen on your lawn over the summer—things like twigs, leaves, and other organic materials can cause trouble if left there for too long. Not only do they attract pests like rodents, but they can also make your lawn more vulnerable to disease. So be sure to get rid of any stray leaves or branches before winter arrives! 

    Fertilize & Aerate 

    Give your lawn a much-needed boost by fertilizing it before winter sets in. This will help replenish nutrients in the soil so that when spring rolls around, your grass will be ready to grow healthy and strong again. You should also aerate your lawn once or twice a year—this will help promote drainage and allow oxygen to reach the roots of the grass plants. 

    Winterizing your lawn doesn't have to be an overwhelming task; with just a few simple steps you can make sure that Jack Frost doesn't leave too much damage behind this season. Mow one last time before it gets too cold, clean up debris from the yard before it starts snowing, and don't forget to fertilize and aerate regularly throughout the year for optimal health of your grass! Taking care of these things now will ensure that come springtime your lawn will look better than ever before! Happy prepping! Looking for a professional? Contact your Pittsburgh Area lawn care professionals to schedule for Sring 2023 lawn care today! If winter has affected your roof, you may want to also search for roofers in Pittsburgh as well!