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    How to Handle Pittsburgh's Common Lawn Pests and Diseases

    In this article, we'll explore some of the most prevalent lawn pests and diseases in Pittsburgh and offer tips on how to effectively manage and prevent them.

    1. Grubs: The Silent Lawn Destroyers

    One of the most notorious pests in Pittsburgh lawns is the grub. These voracious larvae of beetles feed on grassroots, causing brown patches and weakened turf. To deal with grubs, consider applying a grub control product in late spring or early summer to disrupt their life cycle. Regularly aerating your lawn can also help prevent grub infestations by improving soil drainage.

    2. White Grubs and Chafer Beetles: Nuisances of the Night

    Chafer beetles, particularly the European chafer beetle, are a common issue in Pittsburgh lawns. These nocturnal pests lay eggs that hatch into destructive white grubs. Signs of infestation include animals, like skunks and raccoons, digging up your lawn in search of a tasty meal. Applying a grub control treatment in early summer can help curb their numbers.

    3. Lawn Fungal Diseases: Battling the Wet and Humid Conditions

    Pittsburgh's humid summers and occasional heavy rains can create a favorable environment for lawn fungal diseases. Two common fungal culprits are dollar spot and brown patch. To combat fungal diseases, ensure your lawn receives proper air circulation and avoid overwatering. Applying a fungicide when conditions are favorable for fungal growth can also help keep your grass healthy.

    4. The Dreaded Dandelions: Common Weeds in Pittsburgh

    Dandelions might be the bane of many Pittsburgh lawn enthusiasts. These tough weeds can quickly take over and ruin the appearance of your lawn. Regularly mowing your lawn at the right height and applying a pre-emergent herbicide in the spring can help prevent dandelions from establishing themselves.

    5. Voles: Tiny Tunnellers with Big Appetites

    While not as well-known as other pests, voles can cause significant damage to your Pittsburgh lawn by creating underground tunnels and nibbling on grassroots. To deter voles, consider installing physical barriers like hardware cloth or maintaining a tidy yard to reduce hiding spots.

    As always, we are here to help with your Pittsburgh area lawn care! Please contact us today!