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    The Benefits of Mulching Your Lawn in the Pittsburgh Area

    A well-maintained lawn really is a beautiful thing. But what if you’re looking to take your Pittsburgh area home’s lawn to the next level? A popular way to do that is by mulching your lawn. Mulch can have a number of positive benefits, from protecting moisture levels in the soil and suppressing weeds to improving the overall look and feel of your yard. Here's a closer look at why you should consider mulching your lawn this spring.

    How Does Mulch Help My Lawn?

    In extreme temperatures, mulch helps to protect your soil. It also helps retain moisture and prevents water from evaporating quickly during hot, sunny days. This means you don’t have to water your lawn as often, saving time and money. In addition, mulch suppresses weed growth, which can help keep pesky weeds away and make it easier to mow. Plus, it adds an attractive aesthetic element to your yard that can really elevate its curb appeal.

    What Kind of Mulch Should I Use?

    When choosing mulch for your lawn, there are two main types to consider: organic and inorganic. Organic mulches include shredded bark or wood chips as well as composted materials such as leaves or grass clippings; these are typically used around trees and shrubs because they break down over time and add nutrients back into the soil. Inorganic mulches like gravel or stone tend to last longer but need more frequent replacement since they won’t break down naturally as organic ones do. Both types are effective at retaining moisture and suppressing weeds, so it all comes down to personal preference when deciding which type of mulch is right for you. It may be best to contact a Pittsburgh area lawn care professional to help answer your questions.

    No matter what kind of mulch you decide on for your Pittsburgh area home's lawn, it will be sure to make a difference when it comes time for the mowing season this summer. Not only will it reduce evaporation on hot days and help keep weeds away, but it will also give your lawn an extra boost of curb appeal that will be sure to turn heads! So why not try adding some mulch this spring? You won't regret it!